muliatul jannah, tri retna ningsih




Latar Belakang:  Selama periode kehamilan hingga masa nifas banyak sekali perubahan yang akan dialami perempuan, baik perubahan fisik maupun psikologis. Kecemasan dapat dirasakan oleh setiap orang jika mengalami tekanan dan perasaan mendalam, perasaan cemas pada ibu hamil akan berpengaruh terhadap kondisi psikologis dan kehamilannya. Ibu hamil dapat melatih keterampilan olah pikiran berupa teknik pengembangan fisik, psikis dan spiritual melalui prenatal yoga. Prenatal Yoga merupakan bentuk metode non farmakologis dalam mengatasi kecemasan ibu hamil. Tujuan: untuk mengetahui pengaruh prenatal yoga terhadap tingkat kecamasan pada ibu hamil. Metode: Literatur mancanegara dan lokal ditelusuri melalui sarana media elektronik dengan penuntun kata kunci. Artikel terseleksi sejumlah 5 mancanegara dan 3 lokal, yang masing- masing mewakili pengaruh prenatal yoga dalam mengatasi kecemasan pada ibu hamil. Hasil: Prenatal Yoga merupakan metode efektif untuk mengurangi tingkat kecemasan pada ibu hamil. Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan analisa yang telah dilakukan yaitu prenatal yoga efektif mengurangi kecemasan yang dialami ibu hamil, karena terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara tingkat kecemasan sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan.


Kata Kunci: Yoga Prenatal, Kecemasan, Ibu Hamil




Background: During the period of pregnancy to the puerperium, a lot of changes will be experienced by women, both physical and psychological changes. Anxiety can be felt by everyone if they experience deep pressure and feelings, feelings of anxiety in pregnant women will affect their psychological condition and pregnancy. Pregnant women can practice mental skills in the form of physical, psychological and spiritual development techniques through prenatal yoga. Prenatal Yoga is a form of non-pharmacological method in dealing with anxiety of pregnant women. Purpose: to determine the effect of prenatal yoga on the level of sensitivity in pregnant women. Methods: International and local literature traced through electronic media with keyword guidance. The articles were selected as many as 5 foreign and 3 local each of which represents the effectiveness of prenatal yoga in overcoming anxiety in pregnant women. Results: Prenatal Yoga is an effective method to reduce anxiety levels in pregnant women. Conclusion: Based on the analysis that has been done, prenatal yoga is effective in reducing anxiety experienced by pregnant women, because there is a significant difference between anxiety levels before and after treatment.


Keywords: Prenatal Yoga, Anxiety, Pregnancy

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