Sri Wahyuni Yunus Kanang, Syahrul Syahrul



Latar Belakang : Pelayanan asuhan keperawatan yang berkualitas dan profesional merupakan target yang ingin dicapai untuk meningkatkan mutu pada Rumah Sakit. Namun mutu yang diharapkan bertolak belakang bahwa penyedia layanan kesehatan khususnya perawat  bekerja di bawah tekanan dengan beban kerja yang lebih besar. Ini berdampak pada ketidakseimbangan antara kerja dan reward yang diterima. Ini bertujuna untuk mengetahui dampak pemberian reward kepada perawat terhadap pelayanan di Rumah Sakit

Metode : Data didapatkan dari database PubMed, Wiley Online, Google Schoolar, Secondary Searching diperoleh 7 artikel yang terdiri dari 6 penelitian cross-sectional dan 1 penelitian Quasi-Experiment yang membahas mengenai pemberian reward pada perawat di rumah sakit. Pemilihan artikel dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi kemudian proses pencarian artikel disintesis ke dalam PRISMA flow diagram. Telah  dilakukan  kritisi  jurnal menggunakan Critical Appraisal of a Cross-Sectional Study (Survey) dan Case Control Study.

Hasil : Hasil temuan diperoleh 6 dampak pemberian reward perawat di rumah sakit sakit yaitu berdampak pada stress kerja, ketidakhadiran karena sakit, turnover, motivasi, kepuasan kerja, dan komitmen organisasi. Namun reward tidak berdampak pada performa kerja, mood, fungsi saraf autonomic dan interaksi personal. Review ini membahas tentang dampak pemberian reward perawat terhadap pelayanan di rumah  sakit namun tidak dijelaskan secara rinci pengkalsifikasian jenis reward yang dimaksud apakah reward intrinsic atau reward ekstrinsik..

Kesimpulan: pemberian reward lebih berdampak pada kepuasan kerja (30%) dan komitmen organisasi (30%)



Background: Quality and professional nursing care services are targets to be achieved to improve the quality of hospitals. But the expected quality contradicts that health care providers, especially nurses, work under pressure with a greater workload. This has an impact on the imbalance between work and reward received. This aims to find out the impact of giving rewards to nurses on hospital services

Methods: Data obtained from PubMed, Wiley Online, Google Schoolar, Secondary Searching databases obtained 7 articles consisting of 6 cross-sectional studies and 1 Quasi-Experiment study which discussed giving rewards to nurses in hospitals. Article selection with inclusion and exclusion criteria then the article search process is synthesized into the PRISMA flow diagram. Journal critics have used the Critical Appraisal of a Cross-Sectional Study (Survey) and Case Control Study.

Results: The findings obtained 6 effects of rewarding nurses in a hospital that has an impact on work stress, absence due to illness, turnover, motivation, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. But rewards do not have an impact on work performance, mood, autonomic nerve function and personal interaction. This review discusses the impact of rewarding nurses on services in the hospital but not explained in detail the calcification of the type of reward in question whether intrinsic reward or extrinsic reward ..

Conclusion: giving rewards has more impact on job satisfaction (30%) and organizational commitment (30%)

Keywords: reward, nurse, and hospital.

Full Text:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26751/jikk.v10i1.498


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